Our Services
Surveying Services
Geofield provides a full range of high quality services in land and marine surveying. With complete in-house facilities, state of the art equipment, specialized software and highly qualified surveyors and technicians, Geofield is fast becoming one of the regional leaders in the field of land and marine surveying.
Geofield can take on any surveying challenge from survey planning and design to field operations and mapping.
We understand that surveying is the bedrock of all meaningful development and the success of any project depends to a very large extent on the accuracy of the data acquired. Therefore we strive to deliver accurate and precise data to our client through the use of advanced technology.
Geofield offers a full range of survey services to address a wide range of client needs. Our capabilities include topographic, construction, boundary, cadastral, etc. Geofield delivers responsive, accurate, and cost-effective survey services through the proper use of technology to meet and exceed the client’s objectives.
Geofield have highly trained professionally registered surveyors that recognize the importance of timely and accurate survey services.
Particular areas of surveying expertise include:
- Layout Survey and Staking.
- Topographic Surveys.
- GPS & Geodetic Surveys.
- Bathymetric Survey.
- Construction Surveys & Stakeout.
- Engineering Surveys.
- Aerial Photogrammetry Survey.
- Utility Routes Survey.
- Existing Conditions / As-Built Surveys.
- Title Re-establishment Surveys.
- Earthwork Volume Surveys.
- Earthwork Volume Surveys.
- Feature & Level Surveys.
- Pipeline Route Surveys.
- Boundary Survey.
- Transmission Route Survey.
- Oil and Gas Well Survey.
- Expert Witness Testimony / Dispute Survey.
- Alignment Surveys.
- 3D Scanning.
- Local Geoid. Determination
Geofield is dedicated to quality, professionalism and ethics with strong commitment to exceed our client’s expectations.
No. 44 Chime Avenue, New Haven, Enugu.